Patient information brochure and consent form to MAOI treatment

Your doctor has prescribed you a classic monoamine oxidase inhibitor or MAOI as a treatment for depression or other psychiatric disorder. 

This means you will be taking either Phenelzine, Tranylcypromine, or Isocarboxazid.

MAOIs are effective and safe antidepressants, but there are 3 rules you must take into account:

  1. The MAOI you are taking may lower your blood pressure (BP) when you stand up (‘orthostatic hypotension’). It is important that you follow your doctor’s instructions:

    (A) On when/how to take your BP, and on how to record the measurements.

    (B) On which dose you should take, and around what time you should take it.

    (C) On standing up slowly, because you may feel faint from the lowered BP. This side effect often improves or goes away when you keep taking the MAOI for a longer time.

  2. While you are taking an MAOI, tyramine in your diet is not broken down as fast as it should be in your body. Tyramine is a substance that is present in some foods and drinks that are fermented or matured or (partially) spoiled. It is important that you:

    (A) Pay close attention to your doctor’s dietary instructions.

    (B) Read (together with your doctor) ‘The Prescriber’s guide to the MAOI diet—thinking through tyramine troubles.’ For specific recipes, see the MAOI diet recipe book (

  3.  Like many other drugs, MAOIs may interact with certain other medications or health supplements. It is important that you:

    (A) Tell your primary care doctor that your psychiatrist has prescribed you a ‘classic MAOI’.

    (B) Pay close attention to your doctor’s instructions on which medications you should not take.

    (C) Do not take any health supplements or over-the-counter medications without asking either your doctor or pharmacist if it is safe (note: this includes cough medicines and nose drops).

    (D) Tell your dentist that you are taking a “classic MAOI” before having any dental work done.

    (E) Feel free to ask your doctor or pharmacist for extra advice or information.

Taking notice of the above, I (as patient) declare that my physician has sufficiently informed me on the safety measures required when taking a classic MAOI antidepressant. I hereby consent to this treatment and promise to abide by these safety measures.



Position Statement